Meet the YSL Replica Handbags, it’s packed with everything you need to survive for this summer. You will love its simplicity yet compact design. The single color is perfect when you want to add the final touch to your sophisticated outfit.
Instead of lettering the bag with an oversized YSL signature…to let everyone know that’s a Mulberry production, they have simple put the brand’s iconic tree on the front. The tree is dotted and any fashion conscious man or woman will recognizes it.
The YSL Shoulder Bag can also be used as a camera bag, depending on how big your camera is of course. With the wrist strap, the bag can also be carried with just one hand. Or you can carry it on your shoulder, that’s fine too.
Oh and there is more, this bag is also ideal when you are travelling. Place your passport and ticket inside and other important document…they’re all in hand-reach.
A multifunctional Replica Chloe Bags indeed. And the best of all is…. It’s well-priced. Made from calf leather, measuring 4’ x 6.5’ x 2.5’ (H x W x D) inches, priced at $440 USD via MyTheresa.