Hmmm, how do we begin to describe the Dior Replica Handbags line of small leather goods? Practical and stylish are the best we can come up, although we feel that both words are an understatement (really). Craftsmanship and good taste are evident with these funky coin case charms, and you’re actually getting more than what you signed-up for! Trust Dior to surprise and shower you with just a bit more love than you’d expect.
The Trio Pass-Mo Coin Case Charm is a triple treat this utility bag in smooth calfskin is adorned with an embroidered badge, and comes with three removable elements (a card holder for the black variation or mobile phone case that’s iPhone 6 compatible for the blue one, zipped purse and small envelope pocket with press closure). It’s designed to carry your essentials in style, and you’ll never have to fumble with your credit cards and coins again with this baby. Works like a charm any day, and it’s very cute!
Both styles are priced at €620 EUR, and are available at the e-store.